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    Polandball Wiki

    Dodoball Mauritiusball, officially the Dodo Republic of Mauritiusball, is not gay Armenia havings grass, Sudanball/ Gabon with a red band a countryball off the east coast of Africa. It is located to the east of Madagascarball, the north of Réunionball the south of Seychellesball. Just like Canadaball, Cameroonball, Burundiball, and Lebanonball, it can speak both French and English, but it speaks more Creole and Bhojpuri. It is also the only African country with a Hindu religious majority, due to the large migration of Indians to their territory. It is the most developed countryball in Africa, has the most stable government in the continent, and is also the most densely populated countryball in Africa.


    Until the 9th century, Mauritius had no inhabitants on its clay. But then, Arabs visited its island clay and named it Dina Arobi (Abandoned Island) because no one lived there. The first confirmed European discovery was in 1507 by Portuguese Empireball, who took little interest to the islands. In the final half of the century, Netherlandsball stationed on its clay and set up a Dutch East India Companyball settlement. Netherlandsball fully colonized the island in 1638 and used it as a base to discover more places in the world. IT ALSO INTO KILL ALL MY DODOS AND I WILL OF PUNISH IT VERY BADLY I HOPE IT INTO SINK!!! However, in 1710, Netherlandsball, due to major problems in the Indian Ocean, disowned Mauritius.

    In 1715, Kingdom of Franceball took over Mauritiusball and Kingdom of Franceball brought slaves for agriculture. The slaves were from Indiaball, Chinaball, Madagascarball, or French colonies in mainland Africa. Despite this sad event in Mauritiusball's history, its language is based off French. When the Napoleonic Wars began, Mauritius became nothing more than a port, which used for raiding UKball's ships. Eventually, in 1810, UKball gained control over Mauritius. During rule lots of Indians began to arrive in Mauritius to work and soon they became an important group on the island. Later, the mess Franceball had left behind known as "slavery:" was abolished.

    Despite many Mauritiusball's willingness to fight for in the First World War, Mauritiusball was not affected much by the consequences. In World War II, however, Mauritiusball was affected badly. Its clay was in a state of civil unrest, but it soon recovered. Due to being unable to hold onto its colonies for much longer, UKball granted Mauritiusball independence.

    In 1992, Mauritiusball was recognized as a republic in the Commonwealth, and since then has managed to become one of the most prosperous countryballs in Africa. Mauritiusball has made many friends since being in the Commonwealth and still keeps in touch with Seychellesball.





    Flag colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Imperial Red 235, 36, 54 C0-M85-Y77-K8 #EB2436
    Catalina Blue 19, 27, 109 C83-M76-Y0-K57 #131A6D
    Dodo Beak 255, 214, 0 C0-M16-Y100-K0 #FFD600
    Shamrock Green 0, 166, 80 C100-M0-Y52-K35 #00A650

    How to draw

    Draw Mauritiusball is very simple:

    1. Divide the basic circle shape into four horizontal stripes, red, blue, yellow and green
    2. Draw the eyes and you've finished.
    3. In others words draw Armenia flag with bright colors but yellow instead of orange and green stripe!!!


    Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of Mauritiusball.

    Click here to see it.

    zh:毛里求斯球 pt:Ilha Maurícioball

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