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    Polandball Wiki

    დიდება ზეცით კურთხეულს,
    დიდება ქვეყნად სამოთხეს,
    ტურფა ივერსა!!!

    (Praise be to heavenly Bestower of Blessings,
    Praise be to paradise on earth,
    To radiant Iberia!!!)
    DR Georgiaball singing its anthem before getting anschlussed by the Soviets

    Democratic Republic of Georgiaball or DRGball was a democratic republicball in the Caucasus.


    DR Georgiaball was born as a 2ball, adopted by Russian Empireball and Transcaucasiaball before becoming independent.

    In its short time being independent, it went to war with Turkeyball over Adjaraball, with First Republic of Armeniaball over Loriball and Russian Empireball over Sochiball. having to be an ally of the German Empireball. It got to keep both as a result of the Treaty of Kars.

    Even though it won every battle against First Republic of Armeniaball, it still lost Loriball to Armenian SSRball.

    Flag colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Crimson Red 153, 0, 0 C0-M100-Y100-K60 #990000
    Black 0, 0, 0 C0-M0-Y0-K100 #000000
    White 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF


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