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    Polandball Wiki

    capital of zanjanball; city of iranball with 500 Thousand population


    in 4th century zanjanball city built by sassanidsball. ruined first time by islamics,

    second time by mongols, and third time by timurids and rebuilt by safavids.

    how to draw

    drawing zanjan(city)ball is almost easy

    1. draw a circle and divide it to 3 pieces.

    2. draw the top part green and the bottom red and keep the middle white.

    3. draw the iran embalem on white part

    4. draw word zanjan city on it.

    5. draw the eyes when you are finished.

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  • We moved to 8.12 • 3 hours ago
  • We moved to 8.12 • 3 hours ago
  • We moved to 8.12 • 3 hours ago
  • CullenJC1792 • 7 hours ago
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