These countryballs speak Galician. Pages in category "Galician Speaking Countryball" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. A A Coruñaball A Coruñaball (Province) Andorraball Argentinaball AsturiasballC Castile and Leónball Couto Mistoball Crown of CastileballE ExtremaduraballG Galiciaball (Spain)K Kingdom of Galiciaball Kingdom of LeonballL Leónball Lugoball (Province)M Malpica de BergantiñosballO Ourenseball (Province)P Pontevedraball (Province)R Republic of GaliciaballS Santiago de Compostelaball SpainballV Vigoball Categories: LanguagesRomance Languages Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.More informationOK