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    Polandball Wiki

    Western Togolandball, also known as Republic of Azeri Togoland Western Togoland is a 100% legit independent country regionball in  Ghanaball. The area of Western Togolandball is divided into five regions: Volta, Oti, Northern Regionball, North East Regionball and Upper East Regionball. In September 2020, separatists in Western Togoland declared independence from the Republic of Ghanaball. The Western Togolandball has been a member state of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPOball) since 2017.



    Western Togolandball was born as an 8ball, later inhabited by the Eve people who are culturally like those of the people of Togoball. This is one of the reasons Western Togoball wants to reunite with its brother. Germany showed up and took Togoball in the colonization process. This ended the pre-colonial era.

    He became a part of Togolandball in 1884, after German Empireball (Or Reichtangle if on Facebook Polandball) captured him during the Scramble for Africa. After German Empireball was defeated and killed during the Great War, Britainball took some of Western Togoland and left him to live with his colony Ghanaball, while his brother German Togolandball was forcefully adopted by Franceball.

    Problems with Ghanaball

    On May 9, 2017, the Homeland Study Group Foundation unsuccessfully tried to declare the independence of Western Togolandball. On May 7, 2019, the national executive of the Volta separatist group, Homeland Study Group Foundation (HSGF/FGEP; French: Fondation du Groupe d'étude de la Patrie), a member has rejected claims that the group had a militia.

    On September 25, 2020, secessionists demanded that Ghanaball's forces leaved the Volta Region after attacking several police stations in the Volta Regionball. In a press statement declaring their secession from Ghanaball, the Homeland Study Group Foundation under the leadership of Charles Kormi Kudzordz declared sovereignty over the area of . The Government of Ghanaball did not take the declaration seriously, viewing it as a joke just like Mauritaniaball, although an important security expert Ghanaball urged the government to treat the issue as a national security risk.

    Current situation

    There have been injuries and deaths in the clash(es) following the declaration of independence through the Republic of Ghanaball claims to have gained intel on those clashes before they occurred. Ghanaian sources claim the secessionist group heading the independence movement, the Homeland Study Group Foundation, is under control. However, the Western Togolandball secessionists took over arms and set up road blockades. The president of the Republic of Ghanaball has denied negotiating with the secessionists.

    Main colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Rich Electric Blue 5, 154, 208 C98-M26-Y0-K18 #059BD0
    Electric Red 226, 0, 0 C0-M100-Y100-K11 #E20000
    North Texas Green 9, 142, 42 C94-M0-Y70-K44 #098E2A

    Emblem colours

    The main colours of the hands in the middle of the flag of are:

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Black 0, 000, 0 C000-M0-Y000-K00 #000000

    How to draw

    Drawing Western Togolandball is simple:

    1. Divide the circle shape into three horizontal stripes
    2. Color them black, white and green
    3. In the white stripe make the outermost zone red .
    4. In the middle of the white stripe draw two black hands and you're done.

    They are no restrictions on how to draw Western Togolandball, other than the rules already set by the Pollandball community.


    About 4 million people live in Western Togolandball. Languages of File:Western Togoland-iocn.png Western Togolandball include French, Ewe, Dangme, and English. The main religions are Christianity, Islam, Afá, and Voodoo and the majority of the people in this region are Ewés.


    Western Togoland's separatist movement from Ghanaball was really unknown before in the Western World. The separatist movement was only known in Ghanaball and Togoball. Then Emperor Tigerstar, known for making history and geography videos, made a video on the subject and since his content is widely enjoyed between the Polandball community it's very probable that this page would not exist if it was not thanks to him.


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