This user is American. "God bless 'Murica." |
Heya, read this or don't, I don't really care!
- Almost everyone, but especially:
- USAball - My home country, the ol' US of A! You're awesome, and you don't deserve most of the criticism you get (although you are a capitalist pig).
- Japanball - USA's girlfriend! Also, Pokémon is awesome!
- Soviet Unionball - You didn't deserve to die. You may have done a lot of bad things, but you did a lot of good things to. The GOAT.
- PR Bulgariaball - Soviet Union's girlfriend! Sorry you lost him. Condolences...
- East Germanyball - THE REAL GERMANY!!!
- The other Warsaw Pact Nations - Awesome communists! The Soviets taught you well!
- Warsaw Pactball - Best group!!!
- Bulgariaball - You only switched to capitalism because everyone else did. You were loyal till the end.
- Israelcube - You never wanted this war. You just wanted to be left alone, but now your people are getting killed and kidnapped hugs
- Ukraineball - Sorry about Russia. You still should've stayed communist tho.
- Canadaball - USA's brother!
- Australiaball and New Zealandball - USA's cousins!
- NATOball - Any friend of the USA is a friend of mine! (Unless you're Saudi Arabia.)
- Kazakhstanball - You were loyal to the Soviet Union 'till the end. Respect.
- Vietnamball and Laosball - Good on you two, staying communist instead of taking the coward's way out! Cute little commie couple!
- Cubaball - Nice tropical communists!
- LGBTball - Go out there and get those rights you want so badly! I support you!
- Former Warsaw Pact nations - You guys are nice and friends with the USA, but why you switch to capitalism! You should've stayed communist!
- Palestineball - Your citizens are fine, I just don't like your government. Like, at all.
- Belarusball - You're so utterly devoted and loyal to Russia that at this point I just respect your commitment.
- Russiaball - Not only did you invade Ukraine, but you switched to capitalism like a COWARD!!!
- Chinaball - Ms. Sweatshop herself! You may be communist, but you're starting to become capitalist just like Russia did! COWARD!!!
- Hamasball - No, you are not "freedom fighters"! LEAVE ISRAEL ALONE YOU STUPID TERRORISTS!!!
- North Koreaball - What the f**k happened to you?! You used to be a totally normal communist country, but then you spiraled out of control into a totalitarian dictator ship! See, this is how NOT to do communism!
- Romanian revolters - Why are you idiots getting rid of communism?! You've just screwed yourself!
- Western Saharaball - No... no... jus-just no...
- Saudi Arabiaball - You are just certifiably insane.
- Iranball - And so are you. I dunno why you and Saudi Arabia are enemies, you both are violent nutjobs.
Pages I've created!