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    Polandball Wiki
    (Redirected from USSRball)

    Союз нерушимый республик свободных
    Сплотила навеки великая Русь
    Да здравствует созданный волей народов
    Единый, могучий, Советский союз!
    Soviet Unionball singing his anthem
    Жить стало лучше, жить стало веселей
    Joseph Stalin
    You will easily understand, if I begin my short address to you in my very imperfect English
    Leon Trotsky
    Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?
    Joseph Stalin
    A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
    — Commonly misattributed to Stalin
    Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.
    — Nikita Khrushchev
    Any fool can start a war, and once it's done so, even the wisest of men are helpless to stop it — especially if it's a nuclear war.
    — Nikita Khrushchev
    Слово РУМ, и слово СМЕРТЬ, для вас означают одно и тоже (The words RUM and DEATH, should mean the same to you!)
    Dr. Livesey, Treasure Island (1988)
    Kirov Reporting.
    — Kirov Airship from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
    Warning! Nuclear Missile Launched!
    — Lieutenant Zofia from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
    I’ll teach you! The things you don’t know or can’t do. I’ll teach you everything.
    — Reze from Chainsaw Man

    The OURball Soviet Empireball Onionball Unionball, also known as Sovietball, fuking Cold Salut have you seen me? USSRball, URSSball, CSSRball, CCCPball, or Soviet Russiaball, officially Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsball, was one of the biggest countryballs ever on Earthball. It was also one of the first communist countryballs ever that existed from 1922 to 1991. It can into removing capitalist Pindonisyaball. It can also into throwings bourgeoisie traitors into a gulag during Stalin days. It was formed in 1922 after the October Revolution of 1917 and collapsed in 1991. One of its favourite songs is Cоветский марш because although its opposite created that game, it of believings that it will be of restored soon. Xaxaxa

    Soviet Unionball wants to remove anyone who disagrees with it (such as USAball and others) unless they are into Socialism. It also hates most religionballs for oppressing the working class, Protestants, Catholics, Orthodoxes (sometimes), Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists. Soviet Unionball also loves giving freedom to the people (mostly sincere with it) and killing fascism.

    It is said that its child (and according to some countryballs, reincarnation), Russiaball, is meant to be its successor and secretly spread its parent's influence. It is said that its soul still lingers, influencing Russiaball and waiting to be resurrected from the dead.


    Early History (1903 – 1939)

    Soviet Unionball was officaly born in 1922 (counting the revolutions from Lenin), in the 2nd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. It was a communist child of Russian Empireball. It tried to kill its parent, Russian Empireball, in 1905 during the Russian Revolution, but they failed. However, it killed its second parent, Russian Republicball (formerly Russian Empireball, until last February), in October 1917 while it was distracted with Franceball and UKball fighting Reichtangle and became Russian SFSRball. USAball, Franceball, UKball, and a few other countryballs tried to stop it, but were kicked out, along with their 150,000 troops. It survived until 1922 and attempted to spread communism into the former territories of its parent's empire, such as the newly independent Polandball, who stopped communism's advance into Europe in March 1920 at the "Miracle" of the Vistula.

    In 1922, Russian SFSRball Anschlussed a few countryballs ( Byelorussian SSRball, Transcaucasian SFSRball, Ukrainian SSRball, etc.) to form Soviet Unionball instead of the Tsarist regime. The Allies of World War I widely ostracized Soviet Unionball because they did not trust communist countryballs, especially USAball. Its economy was boosted in 1928 by the First Five Year Plan and advanced in science by making a dead dog's head move that one time. In 1929, USAball's economy took a downturn, pleasing Soviet Unionball.

    In the 1930s, nationalism, white-Russian sabotagers, and lazy, greedy kulaks in Ukrainian SSRball caused much despair; Ukrainian SSRball, Kazakh ASSRbrick, and other SSRballs experienced the worst famine in modern history during the winter of 1932 – 33. Meanwhile, just west of its clay, Nazi Germanyball expanded more than Soviet Unionball; instead of keeping a strong Germany to hold it back, Franceball established a pact in 1936 with Soviet Unionball, who was involved in Spanish Republicball's internal conflict that year with the Republican faction, which lost to the Nationalist and Fascist side because of the spread of nationalism even more.

    Meanwhile, in 1938, Soviet Unionball had some skirmishes with Imperial Japanball's expansion into Manchuria, resulting in a non-aggression pact that year. Then, Soviet Unionball secretly negotiated a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germanyball, trolling Franceball, and splitting up Eastern Europe, especially Polandball's clay. On 1 September 1939, Nazi Germanyball invaded Polandball's clay. Soviet Unionball followed on 17 September, and they met at the agreed demarcation line at Brest-Litovsk, splitting up Polandball's clay. Around this time, Soviet Unionball set up gulags in Siberiaball to send people who were "traitors to the cause," as Nazi Germanyball genocided its people. It had no time for crap, no matter how little it was. Also, Soviet Unionball had secret police and Anschlussed other countryballs who lived near it, like Estoniaball, Latviaball, Lithuaniaball, and Moldovaball. It even tried to annex Finlandball's clay for breathing room. Even though Finlandball surrendered clay to it at the end (due to casualties and because Finland didn't have enough resources to continue the war), it had a lot less causalties, ton more casualties than it because of Finland having the snipers, but Finlandball was forced to peace with Soviet Unionball.

    World War II (3 September 1939 – 7 May 1945)

    In 1941, after having smashed the face of Franceball and sent Teaball in its clay back, Nazi Germanyball broke the non-aggression pact and invaded Soviet Unionball's clay in Operation Barbarossa because Nazi's invasion of Britain failed. Hungaryball, Romaniaball, and (later) Finlandball joined the invasion. Traitorball Anschlussed Ukrainian SSRball, Byelorussian SSRball, the the Balticsballs, besieged Leningradball, and reached the outskirts of Moscowball by December 1941. It was forced back because Soviet soldiers in Siberia were pulled to the west because the Soviet spy in Japan reported that they had no intention of getting clay. Eventually, Soviet Unionball threw millions of balls to their deaths in the spring. Then, when Nazi Germanyball tried to take Stalingradball and the Caucasus Mountains, it held out in the city of Stalingrad, then surrounded Nazi Germanyball's forces, trapping them there, and they surrendered in January 1943. Then, Nazi Germanyball was defeated at the Battle of Kursk, afterward being forced back, with Soviet Unionball liberating Minsk, Kyiv, Warsaw, and reaching Berlin by February 1945. Nazi Germanyball then committed suicide due to being raped by Soviet Unionball having revenge on its 27,000,000 casualties, causing half of the population of Nazi Germanyball to become Slavic in April or May that year. Afterward, Sovietball declared war on Japanese Empireball, who surrendered to USAball in September 1945, ending the war.

    Cold War era (Soviet Golden Age) (1945 – 1991)

    Main article: Cold War

    After World War II, Soviet Unionball instated socialist/communist governments in many of the Eastern and Northern European countryballs it had "liberated", such as Hungaryball, Romaniaball, and Polandball, while directly annexing others. The part of Nazi Germanyball's clay it had occupied was given to its puppet state East Germanyball. In 1949, relations with the West began to deteriorate rapidly, beginning the Cold War between NATOball and Soviet Unionball and the Warsaw Pact, and in the same year,the Soviet Unionball tested their first atomic bomb . In 1950, Sovietball helped North Koreaball in the Korean War, then put down freedom fighters by East Germanyball and Hungaryball in 1953 and 1956. In 1955, the USAball and NATOball made West Germanyball into a member of NATOball and permitted it to remilitarize. The Soviet Unionball responded by creating the Warsaw Pactball as a mutal defense organization between itself and Polandball, Albanianball, Romaniaball, East Germanyball , Czechoslovakiaball and Bulgariaball under a unified military command under Marshal Ivan S.Konev. In 1957, it could go into space when a Soviet R-7 ICBM launched Sputnik I into the Earth's orbit, starting the "Space Race" between itself and USAball. In response , the USAball launched its first satellite , Explorer I, designed by Wernher von Braun. In the Same year, the U.S president , Dwight Eisenhower created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to compete with the Soviet Unionball. Still, the Soviet Unionball was ahead of the "Space Race"and it successfully launched the first man into space in April,1961. At the same year in May, the USAball also launched its first man into space. Eventully the Soviet Unionball lost the "Space Race” when USAball launched Apollo 11 in 1969 and became the first countryball to ever land on Moonball. During the "Space Race” at the early 1960s, the Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista, was overthrown by the Cuban revolutionists led by Fidel Castro, and Castro set up a communist government in Cubaball. The USAball try to restore the original Batistan government in Cuba by launching the Bay of Pigs Invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro, but the invasion failed. In 1962, the Soviet Unionball send missiles to Cubaball in response to the USAball's military blockade of Cubaball and triggered the Cuban Missile crisis, which almost brought the two superpowers at the brink of nuclear war. In 1973, USAball lost a proxy war to North Vietnamball and was forced to pull out of Southeast Asia, making USAball pull its troops out of North Vietnamball.[1]

    The 1980s

    Soviet Unionball made a Soviet mind game called "Tetris" (a portmanteau of "Tetra" and "Tennis") with seven letters made of four connected minos in 1984. Then, Japanball turned it to be one of the best-selling games. Söön tö be övertäken.

    I see no God up here.
    — Yuri Gagarin, 1961

    Soviet Unionball suppressed the freedom fighters in Czechoslovakiaball in 1968 and started a nuclear power program in Kazakh SSRbrick's clay. It also developed WMDs in 1949 by spying on USAball and developed ICBMs in 1957, causing some problems with USAball in 1962 when Soviet Unionball placed nuclear missiles on newly-socialist Cubaball's clay, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis. There was a brief period of detente between USAball and Soviet Unionball in the 1970s, signing SALT I in 1972, but this relapsed in 1979 following Soviet Unionball's invasion of Afghanistanball's clay. USAball then led a boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games in 1980.

    In 1984, Sovietball led its boycott of the Los Angelesball Olympics of USAball after the recent Able Archer NATO war games scare in West Germanyball's clay and South Koreaball's jetliner incident earlier the previous year. In 1985, Soviet Unionball installed some freedoms, glasnost and perestroika; however, these led to the SSRballs' criticism of its government. In 1986, the Chernobylball disaster affected Byelorussian SSRball's health and Soviet Unionball's only comfort was USAball's economy taking a downturn in 1987.

    By 1989, Soviet Unionball's economy could no longer function properly because of their ideology of fail, and it was forced to withdraw from Afganistanball's clay. The Eastern Bloc countryballs also of left the Warsaw Pact, tearing down the Iron Curtain. Hungaryball of leave in May, East Germanyball in November (tearing down the Berlin Wall in November 1989), and by 1990, some of the SSRballs of leave Soviet Unionball. Due to the glasnost and perestroika, Soviet Unionball and USAball became frenemies again. For example, USAball opened the first McDonald's in Moscowball. After the August coup in 1991, Soviet Unionball split up into fifteen countryballs and was succeeded by its biggest child, Russiaball (Vodka).

    On August 30, 2022, its last leader, Gorbachev, died at 91.


    Soviet Unionball was doing badly as it was, but in the 1980s, its economy started to drop down. The flaws in Soviet Unionball's administration and ideology, as well as its extensive defense spending, caused many of the SSRballs inside to protest. Then, in 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power and started becoming friends with USAball to restore peace. In 1989, its Warsaw Pactball members hated communism and broke off. In 1990, Lithuaniaball was the first to secede, followed by a few others in 1991 after the military coup. Soviet Unionball got cirrhosis (due to its addiction to vodka) and died. Then, all the Sovietballs broke off.


    Товарищи/Друзья (My Comrades)

    • Chinaball (before Sino-Soviet split) - Great job for defeating Stupid Chiang Kai Shek! Now we are the stronkest communist powers in the world, xaxaxaxa!! We will liberate the workers of the world toghter from wage slavery capitalism and colonialism! But why must you hate me for being revisionist and support Stalinism? That makes no sense!
    • Icelandball - This guy likes me more than I love Cuba for somewhat reason, I have no idea what I did to make it love me so much, but if it likes me, I like it.
    • Swedenball - You're my ally as you support North Vietnamball and I export original Soviet stuff to you.
    • Cubaball - Are both socialist countryballs. I gave it some nukes to be protected from the Capitalists trying to invade it. Cuba: Your economy has greatly improved since Batista was removed and your Marxism is silimar to mines. Can I give it 500 nukes?
    • PLOball - I help it against the Americans and the Zionists. I always support you against the Imperialist Westerners.
    • Warsaw Pactball - My alliance! We will remove those capitalist pigs!
    • True Germanyball - Joined the Warsaw Pact after WWII and part of the Soviet sphere of influence, so nice! But what's with your market economy? Markets are capitalist, and incompatible with the socialist revolution! Still can't hate yuo, yuo of do good.
    • Communist Polandball - We killed Nazis together! And of communists. Good job on crushing western backed rebels, but why the fuck did yuo try to isolate from the Warsaw Pact?! You traitor! Remove Jaruzelski! Remove Martial Law plox!
    • Czechoslovak Socialist Republicball - Of communist and we also killed Nazis! But it was an enemy once. Never forget 1968 when you tried to break free. We OWNED you that year xaxaxaxaxaxa!
    • PR Hungaryball - Of communists! But was of the enemy once. Never forget 1956 when you tried to break free. But you learned your lesson.
    • PR Bulgariaball - Good puppet! But don't you dare ditch me for Yugoslaviaball dirty betrayer!
    • PR Mongoliaball - Other Communist satellite friend and I helped it fight against Japanese Fascists. Also defended it against Mao. Good job on your modernization programs!
    • Vietnamball - Thank you for removing Burger comrade, they deserved it! Today you have been doing really well with a fast-growing growth economy, high GDP, pulsating energy, and the best open economy only because yuo started to implement capitalism! Seems that Communism hasn't failed for those in need!
    • Laosball - Can into commie. Also, a sibling of Vietnamball!
    • Indiaball - Best south Asian ally EVER! I helped to remove UKball's butt out of him. Indira Gandhi is the best leader of India. Launched its first satellite with the help of me, now my child helps it in developing its jets, missiles, etc. I saved it from this pig in 1971. We were good friends before my death. Well done!
    • North Koreaball - Is of communist and real Korea! Was supposed to be a Soviet puppet, but Chinaball interfered! Your economy is doing better than the stupid americanized Korea (but not anymore) What happended to yuo?⁷
    • DR Afghanistanball - True Afghanistan! I will help you remove Kebab Anti-Commie Terrorists out of your clay.
    • Indonesiaball - I gib it my weapons and a large warship for free to repel a stoner capitalist who wanted to enslave it again. Our leaders are best friends. (Until 1965 because the commies killed 7 Indonesian generals or so, though the commies were affiliated with Chinaball.)
    • Second Spanish Republicball - Is of friend and ally to the revolution and received our aid against your fascist enemies, but you should try and be more communist.
    • Libyan Arab Jamahiriyaball - True Libya! Overthrow its western puppet King. I gib it some weapons. Best Kebab country and non-Marxist socialist ever.
    • Algeriaball - Nice north-African partner, I remove Franceball's butt out of its country.
    • Dergball - REAL ABYSSINA! I am very glad you removed Selassie. What a fine and good Communist. It's too sad that it is poor. I'll give you the money that you need.
    • Burkina Fasoball - Perfection. You went from being a poor and simple countryball to a revolutionary with the best healthcare and education. But then Sankara was killed by that frog. RIP, but it still keeps the L'interntionale in it's anthem.
    • PR Angolaball and PR Mozambiqueball - Good Communist friends. I've helped it their civil wars along with Cuba.
    • PRG Grenadaball - Other Caribbean Friend, sadly Burger invaded it and took out Communism.
    • South Yemenball - You are True Yemen!
    • Syriaball and Ba'athist Iraqball - They are Libyan Arab Jamahiriyaball's friends and they can help it remove Stupid Zionist countryball. I will gib them weapons too. But Iraq you oppressed communists.
    • Ottoman Empireball - Gave it back Trebizond, Van, and Erzurum! But I hate your child Turkeyball.
    • Eurasian Unionball - They say that I'm Eurasian Unionball in disguise, but really, this is just a union made by Russia. However, reincarnation is real! XAXAXAXAXAXAXA! WE WILL DEFEAT EURO!
    • Tunceliball - The Only Turkish City that I like! You are even still Communist so very good buddy!
    • Russiaball - child, plox make me proud. BUT WHY YOU FRIEND WITH THIS STUPID TRAITOR AND WITH PAKISATAN?! But soon, I will return.
    • Kazakhbrick - Another child; it was of my exile before my death.

    Нейтрально / сложно (Neutral/Complicated)

    • UKball (until 1947) - We were buddies during World War II.
    • USAball (until 1947) - Helped me in World War II with the Naziball invasions, but became my archenemy during the Cold War. But thank you for comrade Robeson. We improved relations towards the end.
    • Philippinesball - Adopted child of the capitalist pig. Hates Communism. I became better when Ferdinand Marcos and their spouse visited me in 1976. it likes my child so why not?
    • Kuwaitball - It's one of my only friends in the Gulf, I supported them during Six-Day War and Yom Kippur War to destroy Israelcube. But you're a monarchy so please be communist. And I'm sorry that Saddam invaded you.
    • Malaysiaball - First hated me for aiding rebels in the Malayan emergency, but later on we slowly become friends. Sorry.
    • Egyptball - Under Colonial Nasser it was a good friend that wanted to destroy Fake countryball but then it started supporting USAball and also peace deals with Zionists.
    • PSR Albaniaball - You are a small crazy bunker lover who likes to close contact with the entire world, pathetic. Your anti-revisionism means that you like to purge your own people for your interests. When you are of callings me and my comrades "traitors", makes me laugh a LOT because of your idiocy and dimwittedness on your small shitty kebab brain. The only thing I can say to you is to shut up.
    • Taiwanball - STUPID CHIANG KAI-SHEK! But at least we both hate that Evil Mao Zedong. (See enemies list)
    • Mexicoball - Was of the first American countryball to establish relations with me! I also had an anticlerical law in place back then. But YOU LET TROTSKY DIE YOU FREAK! actually thank you for that, it opposed glorious Stalin and got offed for it xaxaxaxa
    • Japanball - You're neutral because you don't complain that I will give back to your islands. But when I died you make ANIME about Soviet Era! Also Nintendo made My game the 2nd best selling. Thank you! :)
    • Argentinaball - I sold you some метрo tracks (on Line E of Buenos Aires Underground and Temperley - Haedo suburban line), but why you didn't take the opportunity to be a comrade? you are also a closet nazi! Ignore I was of the second largest consumer of yuor exports during Videla's government, yet I still prefer Videla/Viola/Lacoste/Galtieri/Saint-Jean/Bignone over Pinochet. I also supported you during the Falklands war.
    • Yugoslaviaball - My son. He didn't want to join me. We were good at first, but then he refused to join the Warsaw Pact and became neutral. He negotiated with me later on and we were good, but he didn't talk to me much. He did grieve my death when I died though, I still love him as my child.

    Куклы пиндосов (Kuluks)

    • THE WORST - OH WHATS OF HAPPENINGS? YUOR MASTER PLAN TO WIPE US AND THE SLAVS OUT OF EUROPE FAILED? FUCK YUO AND THE REST OF YOUR FASCIST SCUM! IF WE WERE OF INFERIOR WE WOULDN'T HAVE KICKED YUOR ASS BACK TO BERLIN AND MADE YUOR HERO KILL HIMSELF. Never forget the atrocities yuo was of committings on the Eastern front. Otherwise, you will experience a slow and painful rape and death! . I was the first to even be of suggestings to stop yuo, xaxaxaxaxa.
    • German Empireball - am not of carings if yuo is of helpings us bring Lenin back to Russia or that Karl Marx was German. Yuo are yet another Capitalist Monarchist pig that is of needing to be overthrown.
    • Franceball - Banned Communism and hated my policies. 'DIE CAPITALIST PIG! AND FREE ALGERIABALL!!! I don't know why my son likes you.
    • Canadaball - For surviving my hockey match! Next time we won't be so nice in Piestany.
    • Precommunist Russiaball - My very bad parent, no matter how much I don't like it. Didn't give me and my siblings enough food, so I had to murder it in 1917. FUCK CZAR NICHOLAS II!! THE BOURGEOIS WILL FACE MY WRATH FOR DEFENDING YOU!!!!
    • Evil Mao Zedong! (after sino-soviet split) - You are stupid Stalin's friend! So you must be removed as a part of my anti-Stalin campaign! 'REMOVE!
    • Taiwanball - I liked you before because Sun Yat Sen a friend of the Red Army and allowed communists in your army But then, you had to fight communism later and I heard you terrorized your own peasents on the mainland. COMMUNIST CHINA IS OF REAL CHINA, REACTIONARY RAT!
    • Francoist Spainball - Stupid fascist that hates communism! REMOVE!!! You also killed my ally Second Spanish Republicball!
    • Israelcube - I regret recognizing you Fake Country! All your Neighbors should destroy your Burger Puppet. I should've never supported your creation, I thought you were gonna be my ally but no you choose Burger as a buddy.
    • Second Portuguese Republicball - Remove imperialism! FREE YOUR COLONIES NOW YOU PATHETIC FASCISTS!!!
    • Turkeyball - We were comrades under Ataturk, but he betrayed me and threatened me with nukes with the backing of burger! HOPE YOU ENJOY GETTING BETRAYED BY NATO.
    • Chileball (After 1973) - You are the reason why I am forever scared of helicopters. You were being into friends with me and Cuba, but then you listened to that burger and threw communists from helicopters! REMOVE PINOCHET
    • Ethiopian Empireball - Yuo also of deservings to have your monarch otherthrowned! Ethnic supermacy is of bad! But I did it against Ukraine in the Stalinist era xaxaxxa.
    • South Koreaball - Capitalist Pig Dog Korea who hates the poor! You put them in camps and work them to death! I should've destroyed you and let True Korea take your land back in the Korean War. I EVEN SHOT YOUR PLANE DOWN FOR TRESPASSING THE GREAT COMMUNIST State!
    • Vodka stealer - For surviving my invasion! hmmph.
    • Islamic State of Afghanistanball - Fake Afghanistan, for also surviving my invasion!
    • Fake Germanyball - Fake Germany is of the enemy of East Germany. YOU INTO DUMB WESTERN PUPPET
    • United Germanyball - Left my empire, How dare you?! Oops, of meanings pact.
    • Mikhail Gorbachev - YOU ARE THE WORST SOVIET LEADER EVER! YOU HAD DESTROYED THE GREAT SOVIET UNION! YOU ARE A TRAITOR! YOU DIDN'T MAKE OUR COUNTRY ANY BETTER FAKE COMMUNIST! But then again I guess you helped strengthen relations with Capitalist so maybe you weren't so bad.
    • Al-Qaedaball and Talibanball - Some Mujahideens Kebab Anti-Commie terrorists that burger created and funded so they can destroy Communism with their twisted beliefs. Ha, you kebabs can't destroy me SOVIET UNION STRONK and you also can't destroy Afghanistan! Crap!, I should've destroyed you a long time before I fell.
    • Iranball - I hate you. You were terrible even after you got rid of your monarchy. You still collaborated with United States of Americaball in the Soviet-Afghan War. You funded Shia Mujahideen rebels against me and contributed towards my loss in Afghanistan. Also, Azerbaijan SSRball belongs to me and that is how it's going to be. I hope Ba'athist Iraqball defeats you!
    • Somali Democratic Republicball - TRAITOR! You lost a pathetic war with Ethiopia so you decided to seek out burger's help.
    • Italyball - You will never nuke me with Burger's nukes, you fascist idiot!
    • Pakistanball - Ha, India will destroy you Burger Puppet. Supported those Western Pigs in Afghanistan! Free Bangladeshball.
    • Saudi Arabiaball - Dictionary Kebab Pig that also supported and created those western pig terrorists in Afghanistan. But if I invade it, I can get some good cash.
    • Democratic Kampucheaball - You're very crazy and you are friends with Fake Communist, so I'm not your friend. You also killed ethnic groups in your country.
    • Kurwaball - I smell non-communist Poland. COME BACK HERE, YOU!
    • Polandball (Kiribati) - I smell another non-communist Poland. your parent also stole two of my Soviet Republics' flags. I WILL MAKE YOU ANOTHER SOVIET REPUBLIC, COME BACK HERE, YOU!
    • Indonesiaball - I smell yet another non-communist Poland. And also, why are you killing Communists?! I thought we were good friends but now you betrayed me and siding with Burger! And did you know that, G30S COUP IS BURGER'S PLAN! STOP BLAMING IT ON THE COMMUNISTS! COME BACK HERE, YOU!
    • Monacoball - I smell one more non-communist Poland. COME BACK HERE, YOU!

    Soviet Socialist Republics

    • Russian SFSRball - Biggest of member! Also successor state. My favorite child. I'm counting on you!
    • Transcaucasus SFSRballs - An amazing, founding countryball of mine. Actually, no; I'm going to split you.
    • Ukrainian SSRball - Another founding countryball! Thankings for spreading the revolution! However, due to your reactor explodings, I prohibitings radioactivity in your clay.
    • Byelorussian SSRball - Last of four founding republics, very horosho! And of the cutest member! It's also Russia's sibling! Thanks for all the heavy truck manufacturing and the great contributions to the glorious Red Army. Sorry about the Chernobyl incident, I should have told Ukraine to be more careful, and move its damn nuclear factory away from yuo. They will starve again for that
    • Kazakh SSRbrick - Very good republic and contains much outer space stuff, can into Cosmos and nukes! You also last one standing before republicans.The union will always remember you.
    • Azerbaijan SSRball - Thank you for spreading the socialist revolution! REMOVE KEBAB!
    • Armenian SSRball - Kebab removing comrade!
    • Georgian SSRball - Comrade Stalin was born here!
    • Uzbek SSRball - Valued communist comrade!
    • Tajik SSRball - You is proof, not all kebab are bad!
    • Kirghiz SSRball - Member of great USSR!
    • Lithuanian SSRball - Anschlussed after the glorious union defeated the Nazis! You know, I often blame Estonia for leaving first because she was the first one who declared sovereignty but you were THE FIRST TO ACTUALLY DECLARE INDEPENDENCE!! And the worst part is that everyone else followed you right after ruining my glorious empire (begins to cry internally).
    • Latvian SSRball - Forced it to help end Nazis for USSR!
    • Karelo-Finnish SSRball - My apology for you not wanting to stay as a republic, comrade! NKVD for you, xaxaxaxaxaxa!
    • Moldavian SSRball - Birthplace of Transnistriaball!
    • Estonian SSRball - Birthplace of the funniest capital, but meh, it's a bitch, and is a bad Soviet Republic, oh you can leave, I can take rejection! but I was slightly wrong about yuo Lithuania left first but yuo left right after NKVD for you too, xaxaxaxaxaxa!

    Flag colors

    Main colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Crimson (Малиновый) 205, 0, 0 C0-M100-Y100-K20 #CD0000

    Emblem colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Gold (Золото) 255, 215, 0 C0-M16-Y100-K0 #FFD700

    How to draw

    You don't have to draw USSR, USSR draws you:

    1. Color in red on the base circle (NO CIRCLE TOOL WHEN DRAWING BASE CIRCLE)
    2. Draw the emblem of the sickle and hammer at the left end.
    3. Draw the eyes.
    4. Draw a ushanka or general's hat with the communist star or hammer and sickle on it and you're done.


    Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of Soviet Unionball.

    Click here to see it.


    See also

    The Allied Powers - Liberating the World from Tyranny
    Entente Powers/Allies
    Principal Entente Powers: Franceball UKball Russian Empireball ( Russian Republicball) (until 1917) • USAball (from 1917) • Kingdom of Italyball (From 1915) • Empire of Japanball
    Associated allies and co-belligerents: Kingdom of Serbiaball Belgiumball Kingdom of Montenegroball Luxembourgball Australiaball Canadaball Ceylonball Sultanate of Egyptball Newfoundlandball New Zealandball British Rajball Sheikhdom of Kuwaitball Czechoslovakiaball Assyrian Volunteersball Emirate of Nejd and Hasaball Idrisid Emirate of Asirball Provisional Government of National Defenceball Portugalball Kingdom of Romaniaball Kingdom of Hejazball Kingdom of Greeceball Republic of Chinaball Siamball Brazilball Transcaucasiaball Centrocaspian Dictatorshipball Armeniaball
    Nations that declared war on the Central Powers, but didn't fight them: Nepalrawr San Marinoball Andorraball Republic of Cubaball Panamaball Liberiaball Guatemalaball Nicaraguaball Costa Ricaball Haitiball Hondurasball
    Nations that severed diplomatic ties with the Central Powers, but didn't fight them: Boliviaball Dominican Republicball Peruball Uruguayball Ecuadorball
    Nations that were aligned to the Entente, but didn't get involved: Norwayball Monacoball El Salvadorball Tibetball
    Allies of World War II
    Principal Allied Powers UKball Soviet Unionball (From 1941) • USAball (From 1941) • Republic of Chinaball Franceball (Until 1940) • Provisional Government of the French Republicball (From 1944)
    Allied combatants with governments-in-exile: Free Franceball Second Polish Republicball Czechoslovakiaball Belgiumball Luxembourgball Netherlandsball Norwayball Kingdom of Greeceball Kingdom of Yugoslaviaball Provisional Government of the Republic of Koreaball Ethiopian Empireball Commonwealth of the Philippinesball
    Other Allied combatant states: PR Polandball Canadaball Australiaball New Zealandball Union of South Africaball British Rajball Southern Rhodesiaball Nepalrawr Democratic Federal Yugoslaviaball Brazilball Mexicoball Mongolian People's Republicball Costa Ricaball Republic of Cubaball Dominican Republicball El Salvadorball Guatemalaball Haitiball Hondurasball Nicaraguaball Panamaball Boliviaball Colombiaball Liberiaball Chileball Ecuadorball Kingdom of Egyptball Lebanonball Paraguayball Peruball Saudi Arabiaball Syriaball Turkeyball Uruguayball United States of Venezuelaball Argentinaball DR Vietnamball
    Co-belligerents (former Axis powers): Kingdom of Iraqball (From 1943) • Pahlavi Iranball (From 1943) • Kingdom of Italyball (from 1943) (from 1943) • Kingdom of Romaniaball (from 1944) Kingdom of Bulgariaball (from 1944) • Finlandball (from 1944)
    Türkmenistan The Land That Rules by a Dictator
    District Ahalball Ashgabatball Awazaball Balkanball Darvazaball Daşoguzball Lebapball Maryball Türkmenabatball
    Former Entities

    Migrants from South (Steppe Peoples) Bukhar Khudahball Principality of Farghanaball Samanid Empireball Ghaznavid Empireball Seljuk Empireball Ghurid Dynastyball Abbasidball Qara Khitaiball Khwarazmian dynastyball Chagatai Khanateball Mongol Empireball Ilkhanateball Kurt dynastyball Timurid Empireball Khanate of Bukharaball Safavid dynastyball Emirate of Bukharaball Afsharid dynastyball Khanate of Khivaball Russian Turkestanball Turkestan ASSRball Khorezm SSRball Turkmen SSRball

    es:URSSball pl:Soviet Unionball ru:СССР zh:苏联球 pt:URSSball

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