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    Polandball Wiki
    (Redirected from Turkmenball)

    Derýasy joşunly, baglady bossan,

    Belend başy dag deý, ýüdegi-asman, Gülleýan, gül açan Eziz Diýarym Aýdym-sazlar ýurdy - Jan Türkmenistan!

    — Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow

    Turkmenıstanball, formerly known as Turkmenıaball and offıcıally known as the North Korea 2.0 Republıc of Turkmenıstanball, ıs a carpet republıc countryball ın Central Asıa that ıs a dıctatorshıp. Its area ıs 469,930 square kılometres of clay, makıng ıt the 52nd largest countryball (53rd ıf you count Greenlandball under Denmarkball's area). As of 8 January 2022, ıt has a populatıon of 6,118,000, makıng ıt the 111th most populous countryball on Earthball.

    Turkmenıstanball ıs known for havıng the most badass, most detaıled, and overly-complıcated flag ever; ıt also can ınto melon. The countryball also hıdes ıts COVID-19 cases, whıch may trıck some ınto thınkıng they have the safest clay for the pandemıc.


    Turkmenıstanball was born as a 2ball. It once used to be the powerful Seljukball; after ıt fell, ıt was conquered by many dynastıes untıl ıt was adopted by Russıan Empıreball and Sovıet Unıonball untıl 1991, when Turkmenıstanball gaıned ındependence.

    Turkmenıstanball has had two dıctators that had a goal to make Turkmenıstanball ınto a personalıty cult. Despıte thıs, Turkmenıstanball ıs offıcıally a neutral countryball.

    Flag Colors

    Maın Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Phılıppıne Green 0, 132, 61 C100-M0-Y54-K48 #00843D
    Amaranth Red 210, 39, 48 C0-M81-Y77-K18 #D22730
    Whıte 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF

    Emblem Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Amaranth Red 210, 39, 48 C0-M81-Y77-K18 #D22730
    Sunglow 255, 199, 44 C0-M22-Y83-K0 #FFC72C
    Phılıppıne Green 0, 132, 61 C100-M0-Y54-K48 #00843D
    Whıte 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF


    Dostluk (Frıends)

    • Canadaball - You lıke melons huh? Then be my frıend eh...
    • North Koreaball - Sımılar ın unıforms and style. Both of us hıde our coronavırus cases.
    • Erıtreaball - Our personalıtıes are very sımılar.
    • Florıdaball - Same as Erıtrea but publıcıses ıts COVID-19 cases.
    • Ukraıneball - Don't worry, Crımeaball ıs yours. Yuo see, I'm dıfferent compared to my blıngs; they don't belong to Russıaball.
    • Afghanıstanball - Afghan contraband best contraband.
    • Kazakhbrıck - Good sıblıng, neıghbor and ally, ıt's the only one who understands me, and ı return ıt wıth helpıng ıt transport.
    • Iranball - For lettıng me mınıng the oıl from the Caspıan Sea.
    • Uzbekıstanball - Sıblıng that I argue a lot wıth and also, HOW DID YOU GET HIGHER HDI THAN ME?
    • Kyrgyzstanball - Sıblıng ın a sımılar sıtuatıon to me.
    • Türkıyeball - Best sıblıng who brought us ın glory. Secretly stan them, hence the name Turk men I stan
    • Swıtzerlandball - Neutral frıend.
    • Tajıkıstanball - When they are of nıce to me.
    • Russıaball - It lıkes my Allıes. (ı also just gave ıt a puppy!) We speak some Russıan but lıttle.
    • Chınaball - Tradıng partner. My oıl pıpelınes go to ıts clay love. But stop murderıng Uyghurs plox.
    • Azerbaıjanball - Frıendly neıghbor.
    • Maurıtıusball - It lıke melons as well. (Also thanks for stealing Armenia's flag)

    Bıtarap (Neutral)

    • Israelcube - Why not? They gıb us Moneys. But ıt hates Palestıne. I am neutral.
    • USAball - Hey, Capıtalısts! Do you want to see doorway to hell? Well, ıt's free, and I wıll let you ın. Thanks to Drew Bınsky.
    • Kosovoball - Yuo are of serbıan clay, but we both hate Serbıa
    • Indonesıaball - We're both Islam but I lose Because of thıs Island Lıttle guy he Already Lost and Beat me, 4-3 Never Forget!

    Duşmanlar (Enemıes)

    • Iranball (sometımes) - Sometımes when some ıdıots decıde to not lettıng me mınıng the oıl from the Caspıan Sea.
    • Serbıaball - You stupıd Kebab Remover! Stop bullyıng Allah and Islam or face the consequences as me and my sıblıng Türkıye wıll demolısh you! DEFEND KEBAB! Balkan ıs all mıne! AHAHA!
    • Kurdıstanball - Gıb back my clay ın Kırkuk, Assyrıaball and I belong to there. U don't even exıst.
    • Crımeaball - Fuck yuo, yuo aren't Russıan, yuo are stıll part of Ukraıneball.
    • Tajıkıstanball - When ıt ıs not nıce to me.
    • Saudı Arabıa - I love Islam but I refuse your mosques because you wıll gıve me Wahabbı Imams, so I buıld beautıful golden dome mosque myself.
    • Estonıaball - Why dıd yuo hate me? I dıd nothıng wrong to yuo... Well then, yuo are of Ural-Altaıc and you never be ınto Nordıc.

    How to Draw

    Turkmenıstanball ıs known for havıng the most detaıled, complıcated and hardest flag to draw that ever exısted on earth, ıt's just not easy:

    1. Color the basıc cırcle shape of thıs green.
    2. Thıs ıs the maın reason of Turkmen flag dıffıculty: draw a vertıcal strıpe of fıve Persıan carpets. (Each carpet patterns detaıls and order can be seen ın countryball's template)
    3. Draw fıve whıte stars and an ınverted crescent.
    4. Draw the eyes and you have fınıshed.
    5. If ıt's ınfurıatıng when drawıng the rug patterns, just draw a melon, and waıt for ıt to come.


    Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of Turkmenistanball.

    Click here to see it.

    Türkmenistan The Land That Rules by a Dictator
    District Ahalball Ashgabatball Awazaball Balkanball Darvazaball Daşoguzball Lebapball Maryball Türkmenabatball
    Former Entities

    Migrants from South (Steppe Peoples) Bukhar Khudahball Principality of Farghanaball Samanid Empireball Ghaznavid Empireball Seljuk Empireball Ghurid Dynastyball Abbasidball Qara Khitaiball Khwarazmian dynastyball Chagatai Khanateball Mongol Empireball Ilkhanateball Kurt dynastyball Timurid Empireball Khanate of Bukharaball Safavid dynastyball Emirate of Bukharaball Afsharid dynastyball Khanate of Khivaball Russian Turkestanball Turkestan ASSRball Khorezm SSRball Turkmen SSRball

    zh:土库曼斯坦球 ru:Туркменистан pl:Turkmenistanball pt:Turcomenistãoball

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