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    Polandball Wiki

    Idahoball is a ho a state of Potatoland USAball. Known for the best potatoes in USA.


    Idahoball born as a 3ball, adopted by USAball. He was admitted to the Union in 1890. It is friends with Latviaball as they both can into potato. It also has a lot of Basque people for some reason. Pocatello, a city in Idaho is known for its former flag being the worst city flag in North America by the North American Vexillogical Association (NAVA).




    • Belarusball - Potato Partner! Even more potato 🥔! my potatoes are the best potatoes! By the way, as a potato bud, I am very disappointed you are attacking protesters who want freedom. Please stop.
    • Oregonball - ANSCHLUSS! Potato is best join the way of the POTATO!


    Information for Artists

    Flag Colors

    Main Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Sapphire 0, 52, 119 C100-M56-Y0-K53 #003477

    Seal Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    White 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF
    Gold 252, 210, 0 C0-M17-Y100-K1 #FCD200
    American Rose 239, 12, 54 C0-M95-Y77-K6 #EF0C36
    Boston University Red 214, 0, 0 C0-M100-Y100-K16 #D60000
    Powder Blue 126, 180, 214 C41-M16-Y0-K16 #7EB4D6
    Asparagus 126, 180, 122 C30-M0-Y32-K29 #7EB47A
    Dark Chestnut 136, 92, 74 C0-M32-Y46-K47 #885C4A
    Khaki 182, 170, 135 C0-M7-Y26-K29 #B6AA87
    Dark Peach 229, 206, 176 C0-M10-Y23-K10 #E5CEB0
    Dark Slate Gray 58, 87, 78 C33-M0-Y10-K66 #3A574E
    Dark Khaki 175, 165, 102 C0-M6-Y42-K31 #AFA566
    Gray 125, 118, 125 C0-M6-Y0-K51 #7D767D
    Dark Tan 165, 145, 84 C0-M12-Y49-K35 #A59154
    Silver 198, 198, 198 C0-M0-Y0-K22 #C6C6C6
    Battleship Grey 160, 153, 160 C0-M4-Y0-K37 #A099A0
    Dark Tan 135, 110, 61 C0-M19-Y55-K47 #876E3D
    Brass 190, 162, 84 C0-M15-Y56-K25 #BEA254
    Dark Tangerine 255, 180, 39 C0-M29-Y85-K0 #FFB427
    Dark Peach 255, 218, 198 C0-M15-Y22-K0 #FFDAC6
    Safety Orange (Blaze Orange) 255, 146, 26 C0-M43-Y90-K0 #FF921A
    Selective Yellow 239, 176, 6 C0-M26-Y97-K6 #EFB006
    Vermilion 226, 67, 46 C0-M70-Y80-K11 #E2432E
    Dark Pastel Green 20, 176, 56 C89-M0-Y68-K31 #14B038
    Dark Cerulean 98, 80, 136 C28-M41-Y0-K47 #625088
    Canonical Aubergine 123, 81, 135 C9-M40-Y0-K47 #7B5187
    Lemon 255, 233, 7 C0-M9-Y97-K0 #FFE907
    Dark Chestnut 151, 108, 96 C0-M28-Y36-K41 #976C60
    Wheat 227, 201, 155 C0-M11-Y32-K11 #E3C99B
    Black 0, 0, 0 C0-M0-Y0-K100 #000000

    How to Draw

    Idahoball has a drawing rating of hard.

    1. Color the basic circle shape of this blue
    2. Draw the seal of Idaho in the center, over a red ribbon with the gold script STATE OF IDAHO
    3. Add the eyes and you've finished.




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