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    Secondly, one year on neptune is 165 Earth years long. We may never be able to reach 1 Neptune year old.
    It's Aumsum Time

    Neptuneball is the 8th and last planet in the Solar System. It is also the smallest and densest of the giant planets. It is about 17 times the mass of Earthball, making them slightly more massive than Uranusball. It is of 24,622 km in radius and of 7.6 billion km² in surface area. Neptuneball is 30.1 AU (4.5 billion km, 2.8 billion mi) from Sunball and lives at the inner edge of the Kuiper Belt.

    Because of its gravity, Neptuneball influences some of the objects living there. Notably, Neptuneball and Plutoball are in a 2:3 orbital resonance, meaning they won't collide.


    Neptuneball is an ice giant, with an atmosphere containing mostly hydrogen and helium and a large mantle of exotic forms of water ice. It is unknown what compound causes his vibrant indigo sheen.


    His atmosphere is formed, mainly, by hydrogen. Neptune's atmosphere changes very quickly, due to temperature differences between the upper and lower parts of his clouds.

    Orbit - Rotation

    Neptuneball's Semi-major axis (SMA) is, on average, 4.5 billion km (30.1 AU). Like all of the outer planets, his inclination and eccentricity values are relatively low. Because Neptuneball is covered by a large layer of gasses, the rotation periods across his surface differ. Thus, scientists instead establish his rotational period as the amount of time it takes for his magnetic field to rotate. His obliquity is approximately 28.32 degrees, which is rather similar to Earthball's and Marsball's obliquities.


    Neptuneball 16 moons, which are dominated by Tritonball. Tritonball probably is a captured dwarf planet, and due to tidal forces will be anschlussed either directly or ground into a ring.

    1. Naiadball
    2. Thalassaball
    3. Despinaball
    4. Galateaball
    5. Larissaball
    6. Hippocampball
    7. Proteusball
    8. Tritonball
    9. Nereidball
    10. Halimedeball
    11. Saoball
    12. S/2002 N 5ball
    13. Laomedeiaball
    14. Psamatheball
    15. Nesoball
    16. S/2021 N 1ball

    How to draw

    A real-life photo of Neptune for reference. This true-color image was taken by Voyager 2.[1]

    Drawing Neptuneball is simple:

    1. Color the basic circle shape of this blue.
    2. Draw a few white horizontal skinny clouds
    3. Add bands of darker blue
    4. Add the eyes and you've finished.


    zh:海王星球 pl:Neptuneball

    1. The "dark blue" version that people are used to is an exaggeration to make the storms easier to see. This footnote was lost to time.
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